這首是昨晚在 PTT 看到有人問, 然後幫他找到的,
這首我沒聽過, 但愈聽愈對味.

有段小插曲, PTT 上發問的人似乎沒聽過愛樂電台,
他是在計程車上聽到的, 但他打對了主持人名字 : 雷光夏,
雖然他把愛樂電台記成了愛玉電台 XD
他後來水球給我說, 原來是愛樂不是愛玉, 怪不得找不到愛玉電台.

這是 Anne Sofie von Otter 唱的版本, 他唱的有一種特別的味道.
我不清楚這歌者, 但是很喜歡他唱的味道和風格.
而且他看起來有一種, 讓人回到那個黃金年代的時空.

作曲者 : Kurt Weill, 1900-1950

I'm a Stranger Here Myself

Tell me is love still a popular suggestion, or merely an obsolete art?
Forgive me for asking this simple question
I'm unfamiliar with his heart, I am a stranger here myself.

Why is it wrong to murmur I adore him when it's shamefully obvious I do
Does love embarrass him or does it bore him
I'm only waiting for my cue I'm a stranger here myself

I dream of a day, of a gay warm day, with my face between his hands
Have I missed the path, have I gone astray - I ask, and no one understands
Love me or leave me, that seems to be the question, I don't know the tactics to use
But if he should offer a personal suggestion,
How could I possibly refuse when I'm a stranger here myself

Please tell me, tell a stranger by curiosity goaded
Is there really any danger that love is now outmoded?
I'm interested especially in knowing why you waste it
True romance is so fleshly with what have you replaced it?
What is your latest foible, is Gim Rummy more exquisite?
Is skiing more enjoyable? For heaven's sake what is it?

I can't believe that love has lost its glamour, that passion is really passe
If gender is just a term in grammar
How can I ever find my way since I'm a stranger here myself
How can he ignore my available condition
Why these Victorian views?
You see here before you a woman with a mission
I must discover the key to his ignition
And then if he should make a diplomatic proposition
How could I possibly refuse? How could I possibly refuse?
When I'm a stranger here myself?


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